Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let's Go Aggies!

Thanks to the tickets that Jason gets through work, our family has spent many nights at the Utah State basketball games this winter. Yesterday, the cheerleaders had a fund raiser where Ellie and 300 other girls were able to go and learn a dance in the morning and perform during the half-time show.

In our house Ellie is the huge Aggie fan!! She gets upset if we are late to the games and gets even more upset when Sarah chants "Go Cougars" (this usually ends with one of the girls in time out for hitting the other). During the games I try to curb Ellie chanting things like "you suck" or "stupid" but last night Ellie sat across the stadium with the "cheerleaders" and from across the way I could see her out of her chair participating in all the cheers that are not mother approved.Thanks to cousin Bridget Ellie got to meet one of the players. He was more than happy to have Bridget take the picture and he also talked her into a date after the game. (Does that make Ellie the match maker?)

This is Lexi, one of my girls favorite babysitters. Also a former aide at the school. Ellie was in heaven!

Even better the Aggies won and it was an awesome game!! Let's Go Aggies!!!


  1. I bet Ellie did a great job. I'm sure she had a blast not only dancing but getting to sit with out mom and dad

  2. What a cutie!! So grown up hanging with the cheerleaders, what a great idea and I'm sure she was in heaven.
    I'm glad to know that even girls get into a good WWF wresting match when defending their team.

  3. That sounds so fun. It makes me think back to last summer and her and her pom-poms cheering for the Aggies in your front yard. I bet she was in Heaven!

  4. I'm still an Aggie fan through and through. I bet that was a blast for her. What a cutie!

  5. Outrageous! I can't take it. To hear that sweet sar-bear would utter such profanity, I can't believe it. Go Cougs! Is unforgivable in my house hold. I can see why Ellie comes unglued. I got your back on this one Ellie.
    Love Uncle Todd.

  6. Hey Heather...I just found you through Carries blog....(this is Jason's cousin Cindy BTW) glad to be able to keep up on you through the internet since Christmas parties only happen once a year! Give those girls hugs from us and take care!
