Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ellie's lesson of the day!

Ellie: "I won $10,000 at school today but Mrs. Dahle wouldn't let me collect it!"
Dad: "How did you do that?"
Ellie: "There was a flashing sign on my computer that said that I could instantly win $10,000."

Ellie thought she had it made. Not only do Jason and I give her everything that she wants but the computer has picked her to be the instant winner. Ellie probably had the money all spent already!


  1. I am sure that she would take that $10,000 and come see her Uncle Todd. That is a good question... What would you spend that money on Ellie?

  2. Love it!!!! I've had to stop my kids on more than one occasion when they have become "instant winners". It's not fun to have to dash those dreams!

  3. Hey Heather! I don't know if you got the comment I wrote you on your last post! Just thought I would say hi! I can't believe how big the girls are now!

  4. Sure wish I could be an instant winner of 10,000! Haha, too funny. Hope you are all doing well :)

  5. Yes I agree with Todd I think its time for you guys to take a trip down here. Although I gotta say its getting hot we've already hit 100!!
    Dang, how nice it would be to win even $500.

  6. I would go ask the principal why they aren't going to give you the $10,000. I think you should set up an appointment to talk with the principal about this one. $10,000 is a lot of money and you should be collecting this money.

  7. That was Tyler who commented first. This is your Aunt Robyn saying that if I won 10,000.00 I would fly to Logan and play with some cute girls. I'd even take you to McDonalds. Yep I would!

  8. Thanks for making my day. That is so funny!!!!
